
Superoneclick by Shortfuse

Tags: Special Features, Shortfuse

Shortfuse is one of the best places to get information about the superoneclick software. You also can download the new update of superoneclick in there.

Superoneclick by Shortfuse
Superoneclick by Shortfuse

The latest update for superoneclick by shortfuse is supporting by some new features like:
- File browser
- Drag drop file copy
- Support multiple connected devices
- Create ODIn archive files for Samsung devices
- ODIN flashing
- Online device database.

Just visit the official website for superoneclick by shortfuse to get update and more information that you need.

Superoneclick Bravo

Tags: Motorola Bravo, Superoneclick

The Motorola bravo is official beta release from froyo 2.2. You can unlock potential bravo by rooting the device with software like superoneclick. Anyways there are many methods to easy rooting by root software.

Superoneclick Bravo
Superoneclick Bravo

To rooting superoneclick bravo you need download and install your version of Motorola USB driver into computer or desktop. Then you need enable the USB debugging on Motorola bravo.

To debugging you can go to settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB Debugging. Next connect your device via USB port with the computer and then click root button. You need wait for a moment until the process complete.

SuperoneClick Busybox Not Found

Tags: Busybox, Not Found, Superoneclick

Superoneclick and busybox is the most important tool for rooting your device. Some device only needs superoneclick to root, but the other need install the busybox to root their device.

SuperoneClick Busybox Not Found
SuperoneClick Busybox Not Found

There is some problem root with busybox, for example: if you already install the busybox app, and rooted. But the busybox not found it is always happen in titanium backup.

Some people say, the messenger about "busybox not found" but already installed, it is just basically freezes. You need to press the problems button, so the busybox will load it self to find the problem.

Superoneclick Brick

Tags: Software modification, Rooting, Brick your phone

Rooting the device with some root software like superoneclick there is a risk to bricking your device. Before you root, you need to make attention in the proceed how to root step by step.

Superoneclick Brick
Superoneclick Brick

To avoid from superoneclick brick you must to know what version of your android, phone firmware and hardware versions of your device. So you will be sure to choose what the best rooting method for your device is.

If you still worry to brick you phone, you can visit the forum XDA. In there you can find your device and the guide how to rooting with your device. And you can also find the threads that talking about how to fixing bricks in your device.

Superoneclick Busybox

Tags: Script Program, Market, Titanium Backup

Busybox is script programs collection that use in the terminal. The program is more like Linux utilities in order for special operation like in application titanium backup.

Superoneclick Busybox
Superoneclick Busybox

The superoneclick busybox is very necessary application for root many of the programs. In another version of the superoneclick, the busybox doesn’t include at version 1.6 and above, to get it you need install manual from your device through the market.

Be sure before you installed the busybos, first you need install the titanium backup and give the Su permissions.

Superoneclick Bionic

Tags: Bionic, Motorola, Superoneclick, Droid

There is some problem bionic root with the superoneclick software. That happens if you try to root the device and it says already rooted. But if you check in your bionic phone isn't rooted.

Superoneclick Bionic
Superoneclick Bionic

Before your root the bionic device you should check the specific phone that available with the superoneclick application. Because not all of the phones can be rooted, may be until the next update will be release a new phone that can be rooted.

There is another application similar superoneclick to root you droid bionic device, like utilizing Petes Motorola Root Tools. That software is build for the Motorola device, you can try it.

Superoneclick Atrix

Tags: Superoneclick Atrix

Atrix is one of the Motorola product device that using android 2.2 as operating system. You can root the Motorola Atrix with one of the best rooting software superoneclick.

Superoneclick Atrix
Superoneclick Atrix

It’s very easy to rooting superoneclick atrix, but you need some tools and device to do it, like: Computer with the Microsoft net framework 2.0 or later, the Motorola driver and superoneclick application.

To rooting the Motorola atrix, first you should enable USB debugging on your device then connected it with the USB through the computer. Open the superoneclick on the computer and starting to root. Its take a few minutes and you can restart the device after the proces complete.

Superoneclick Android

Tags: Superoneclick Android

As we know the superoneclick software is a good tool for rooting android device. Everyone search and use this software in every time they rooting the device, because the software is not cost of your money (free).

Superoneclick Android
Superoneclick Android

The superoneclick can be use in another device, like Samsung but only some of them. The superoneclick android can’t be installed inside the android system. You need install the application in the computer and the sync between android device and computer.

For the best result to use the superoneclick android application, first you should to read the basic instruction "how to use the superoneclick application".

Superoneclick Apk

Tags: Superoneclick Apk

Everyone is searching for superoneclick apk through internet, but the superoneclick is not apk software that install in the android device. The software is used in computer with the windows as an operating system.

Superoneclick Apk
Superoneclick Apk

To use the superoneclick software, first you need download the program, unzip and starting to install. After you got the application in your computer, you can connect the android device via USB cable to connect between the computer and device.

Next you need to open the superoneclick and starting to root the device. Its will be take a few minutes. So the superoneclick apk is not axis but the software can be working in the computer.

Superoneclick Not Responding

Tags: Superoneclick Not Responding

There is some problem in superoneclick that says not responding every time I tired to root the phone. Even you edited the ini files you will be get problem step 7 that says wait for device and the application is freeze.

Superoneclick Not Responding
Superoneclick Not Responding

Some people says, the superoneclick not responding problem come from HTC sync program. You need to make sure the program is already close and checking the adb.exe is not running. This should solve the problem.

For solve the problem on step 7, you should uncheck the USB debugging and recheck it again. You can find the USB debugging from the setting -> applications -> development -> USB debugging.

SuperOneClick 1.7

Tags: SuperOneClick 1.7

The superoneclick 1.7 is using to rooting all of the android devices. You need Microsoft Net Framework 2.0 or more or with the mono v1.26+ to running the program in your computer.

SuperOneClick 1.7
SuperOneClick 1.7

The superoneclick 1.7 can be use in some of the operating system, include; Windows vista, Windows 7, Linux Ubuntu and Linux Debian. For the best rooting, you need find more information about compability device.

Some device that already tested to using superoneclick 1.7;
- Acer Liquid Metal
- Dell Streak
- HTC Magic (Sapphire) 32B
- HTC Bee
- LG Ally
- Motorola Atrix4G
- Motorola Charm
- Motorola Cliq
- Motorola Droid
- Motorola Flipside
- Motorola Flipout
- Motorola Milestone
- Nexus One
- Samsung Captivate
- Samsung Galaxy 551 (GT-I5510)
- Samsung Galaxy Portal/Spica I5700
- Samsung Galaxy S 4G
- Samsung Galaxy S I9000
- Samsung Galaxy S SCH-I500
- Samsung Galaxy Tab
- Samsung Transform M920
- Samsung Vibrant
- Sony Ericsson Xperia E51i X8
- Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
- Sprint Hero
- Telus Fascinate
- Toshiba Folio 100

The superoneclick version 1.7 is also changing some log system for fixed Linux hangs and theoretical honeycomb support.

SuperOneClick 2.2

Tags: SuperOneClick 2.2

The SuperOneClick 2.2 is already including with ZergRush and Superuser 3.0.6. That features should be perfectly to running in any device for android 2.3 and below.

SuperOneClick 2.2
SuperOneClick 2.2

Some people say, you can reinstall Unrooted and rooted with the superoneclick 2.2 to work in the KK1. Its will be take time for a few minutes around 3-5. In some case you can install the modded recovery in a same kernel.

Anyways, the superoneclick 2.2 is wonderful tool to help you access a lot of device and be sure if you want to try the software, you should read all instruction before starting to root.

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